By Peter Aronson If you are sitting behind a desk, typing on a computer (like I am), then Tianna Kennedy may make you jealous. An NYU grad, Kennedy is among a small but growing group of individuals who are forgoing more traditional work (and in some cases giving up big city life), to enter the…
According to a new report by the New York City Coalition to End Lead Poisoning, an estimated 1 in 5 New Yorkers may be drinking from lead service lines (LSLs). The report, No Excuses, NYC: Replace Lead Drinking Water Pipes Now [Link TK], co-authored by the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Fund, and Earthjustice, identifies the problem of LSLs in the City and recommends urgent action towards their immediate removal.
By Nate Cohen Transportation is a huge contributor to climate change. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, transportation accounts for 29% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. This fact can largely be attributed to car trips, which contribute nearly 60% of all transportation emissions. But cars are not only the way to get around…
From the Catskill and Adirondack mountains to the beaches of Long Island, to the many lakes, waterfalls, and scenic vistas that define our state parks, there is no shortage of places to explore. However, outdoor recreation can also have its drawbacks—namely harm to plants and wildlife. So before you embark on your next adventure, remember these key Leave No Trace principles.
With Plastic Free July almost here, it’s a great opportunity for everyone to take the pledge and establish plastic-free habits that will last a lifetime.
Climate change is currently impacting every person and every living thing – plants, bugs animals – in New York State. While this is a global emergency, this article will focus on the direct impacts to New York State and New York City, so we can all better understand what’s going on in our communities.
The term spring cleaning should take on new meaning as we all strive to make our homes and communities more environmentally sustainable. We’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help you get started.
From a panel discussion on how to get to a zero-emission vehicle fleet, to a series of Earth Day Festivals, to PlaNYC and our advocacy work around congestion pricing, as well as an update on the state budget and a call for support in honor of Earth Day, it’s been a action packed month for NYLCV.
On Tuesday, April 4, NYLCVEF hosted a webinar with the NY Offshore Wind Alliance and Citizens Campaign for the Environment on whale protection called Whale Tales and Whale Facts.