Green Tips: Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Check out our tips below to find out how to make this holiday season more eco-friendly.

Travel smart 

  • Not surprising, Thanksgiving travel has a larger carbon footprint than the dinner itself. If you have to travel for Thanksgiving, try to avoid using your gas-powered car for long trips: try carpooling with family or friends or renting an electric vehicle (EV). There are an increasing number of EV charging stations throughout the country. 
  • Using public transportation is a great eco-option. Look into traveling by bus or train if you’re destination is close enough. 

“Green” your plate

  • The carbon dioxide emissions from raising, transporting and cooking a 16-pound turkey equals the combined emissions from nearly all dinner sides, as well as the apple pie! In general, meat and animal products have a larger carbon footprint than plants, so consider introducing more plant-based options this holiday. 
  • Avoid food waste by saving leftovers and putting on your plate only what you will eat. Americans throw away an astonishing 200 million pounds of turkey every year! Make sure you have enough containers to hand out to family and friends so everyone can take home leftovers. These eco-friendly Tupperware containers are a great option!
  • Buy a locally-raised turkey! This is beneficial for a number of reasons: for one, transportation emissions are lower for local turkeys. Additionally, visiting a local farm to buy your turkey supports the local economy, and you can inquire about the use of sustainable or organic farming practices. 
  • Shop at a local food market for all other Thanksgiving food necessities. Locally-grown fruits and vegetables are fresher and more nutrient-dense than the supermarket alternatives and will be a delicious addition to your holiday. 

Talk about the environment

  • Consider using mealtime to discuss environmental issues that are important to you. Wonderful veggie recipes, hydro-power innovation, and new types of EV models are always great conversation starters! 
  • Make sure you come prepared with statistics or tips when informing family members of sustainable practices or pressing environmental issues. For example, did you know that Queens has a new curbside composting program?     
  • Don’t forget to give thanks to the planet that sustains us … even better when sharing gratitude with loved ones! 

Thanks for reading this week’s Green Tips. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

A Voter Guide for the November Election

It is more important than ever to vote this election day. Voting is one of the most efficient ways to support the environment by supporting candidates who have strong the environmental records or have prioritized the environment throughout their campaign. Here we have a guide for how to vote in the upcoming election on November 8th. 

The deadline to register to vote in the general election is October 14th, and you can find information on how to register to vote here. Even if you are not registered under a particular party, you are still able to vote in the general election. Make sure you are registered and all set to go on November 8th! 

Vote early for this primary election between October 29th-November 6th! If you vote early you can skip long lines on election day, and can get voting out of the way! Detailed information on how to vote early is listed here, on the website Vote Early NY. 

Absentee ballots are another option for people who will be out of their county on election day, or who are worried about the transmission of infectious diseases such as Covid-19. For those who are planning to vote via absentee ballot, the deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is October 24th. You can request an absentee ballot in person at your local Board of Elections until November 7th. In order for ballots to be valid they need to be dropped off at your local Board of Elections or your polling site by November 8th at latest, or postmarked by November 8th if mailed in. If you plan on requesting an absentee ballot, please note that voters who have requested an absentee ballot will no longer be able to vote with a polling machine on Election Day, but they will still be able to vote in person using an Affidavit ballot at their polling place. More information on how to vote via absentee ballot is available here, or on the New York Board of Elections website. 

Another thing to note for this election is the propositions to vote on on the back of the ballot. This year there is one Statewide Ballot Proposal to vote on, but there may be local proposals on your ballot based on where you’re area. Make sure you are aware of each proposition that will be on the ballot ahead of going to vote! 

If you plan to vote in person on election day, check to see if your polling place has changed using this website, and set a reminder for yourself to vote on the 8th! 

Use this link to find a list of candidates endorsed by the New York League of Conservation Voters, and happy voting!

Green Tips: Eco Friendly Halloween

Halloween is right around the corner, and as you decide how you would like to celebrate, we wanted to remind you not to forget about the environment! Check out our tips below for easy, cheap, and fun ways to lower your eco footprint this spooky season! 


  • Buy a costume made from eco-friendly materials. Many store-bought costumes are often made of non-recyclable petrochemical-based plastic and synthetic fibers or contain flame-resistant chemicals. Those Halloween costumes can include one of the scariest plastics – polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – a soft plastic and known carcinogen that releases harmful toxins. Avoid these toxic Halloween costumes and opt for a green costume made of natural fabrics and materials. Some examples include hemp, linen, organic cotton, soy cashmere/silk, and wool. 
  • Buy second-hand. Thrift stores are great places for costume inspiration! Consignment shops sell previously loved Halloween costumes in all sizes. Buying second hand is a fabulous way to keep clothing out of landfills and it also saves money and supports local charities, like the Salvation Army. 
  • Make your own costume. Instead of buying costumes that you may never wear again, try making your own costume. See what you can put together from what you already have in your closet. Using your own clothes reduces waste and can result in super creative costumes. Read about some ideas here or here.
  • Donate your Halloween costume. After you are finished with your Halloween costume, you could donate it to a charitable organization as opposed to throwing it out in the trash after only one use.


Halloween Parties:

  • Green your Halloween party. Halloween parties across the U.S. generate tons of avoidable waste through plastic cutlery, cups, and plates. You could use regular plates during your party, or you could buy biodegradable ones. Another fun idea is to use candles instead of lights at your party. This will create a spooky atmosphere, as well as save electricity. Remember to always keep an eye on your candles and never leave them unattended! 


Trick or Treating:

  • Green the candy giveaway. When giving out candy, use treats or candy with the least amount of packaging, or you could use the treats or candy that contain recycled packaging. You could also use eco-friendly candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters, which can be found at local organic grocery or food stores. 
  • Green Trick or Treating. Stop using plastic materials to collect candy. Instead, use a reusable bag already in the house, or consider using a pillowcase while trick-or-treating. Another tip for green trick-or-treating is to walk around while trick-or-treating as opposed to driving from house to house.



  • Better use of your holiday pumpkins. It’s not too late to buy pumpkins! Try utilizing your local farmer markets when picking a pumpkin this year. Instead of throwing out your pumpkin once Halloween is over, roast the seeds from your pumpkin or make pumpkin pie to create delicious food!
  • Composting/Recycling. If you are going to get rid of your pumpkin after the season, don’t toss your Halloween pumpkin in the garbage – compost it!


We hope you enjoyed this week’s green tips and have a safe and happy Halloween!

An Electrifying Week for New York

Did you hear that? We didn’t think so. It was the hushed sound of hundreds of electric cars, buses, boats, and even lawn equipment out in full force across New York for National Drive Electric Week, a yearly campaign to raise awareness of the many benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. 

In Drive Electric Week events in Buffalo, Schenectady, and Bedford, the NYLCV was on hand educating the public about electric vehicle incentives and green energy resources, meeting with elected officials, and talking about the progress that has been made and the work left to be done in order to electrify New York’s transportation sector. There were test drives, charging stations, e-scooters, e-bikes, e-backhoes and other electric transportation in action. There were games, prizes, music, and an energy that suggested the EV movement is here to stay.

“It is no longer a question of if we make the transition to electric vehicles, but when,” said NYLCV President Julie Tighe addressing a crowd in Buffalo. New York has made big investments in charging infrastructure–there are now around 2000 public charging stations in New York State, with many more on the way. Then there are the EVolve NY fast-charging stations, where any electric vehicle can charge up in as little as 20 minutes.” 

The NYLCV also took the opportunity to highlight the inroads the state legislature made in the 2022 legislative session, including the requirement that all new school bus purchases must be zero-emission starting in 2027 and all school buses statewide must be 100% zero-emission by 2035.

Then on Thursday, like a bolt of lightning, game-changing news struck when Governor Kathy Hochul announced she would be directing the State Department of Environmental Conservation to take major regulatory action that will require all new passenger cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs sold in New York State to be zero emissions by 2035. This is a crucial regulatory step to achieving significant greenhouse gas emission reductions from the transportation sector and is complemented by new and ongoing investments, including on electric vehicle infrastructure and zero-emission vehicle incentives. It came on the heels of Governor Hochul’s announcement that more than 100 Evolve NY high-speed chargers have been installed across the state.

In her remarks, Tighe noted that there was work to be done before the Electric Vehicle market can truly take off. “While the infrastructure is being put in place, and while the private sector is beginning to see the writing on the wall, we need to do more,” said Tighe. “The market needs to open up further, and to do this we must allow direct-to-consumer sales of Electric Vehicles–it’s a policy that unites environmental, consumer, and free-market interests and is shown to be instrumental in increasing sales at no cost to the taxpayer.”

How to Stay Cool – Sustainably

New York is experiencing one of its hottest summers on record. Even though we’re a month away from the Fall season, temperatures have continuously reached almost 100° in some parts of the State. We can attribute the recent scorching summers to climate change and the damage human impact has had on the environment. While an extremely hot day is not only unpleasant, it can be dangerous to human health. It is important to stay cool and take care of yourself and your loved ones on extremely hot days.  


There a number of things you can do to stay cool during the last few weeks of summer, while keeping your eco-footprint in mind. Below are some suggestions on how to stay cool while minimizing your impact on the environment:


  1. As the temperature falls overnight, try keeping cool by opening windows instead of using your AC unit. ACs are crucial during summer especially if you’re in a warmer part of the state like New York City. However, mass use of ACs can significantly strain the electrical grid and cause power outages which can be very dangerous in hot climates especially for vulnerable communities. 
  2. You can also opt for using a fan instead of turning on your AC. To enhance the cooling power of the fan, you can place a wet towel or bucket of water in front of the fan. 
  3. Unplug your appliances when they’re not in use. Make sure to unplug everything you’re not using during the day or while you sleep to lower your energy usage. Not only will this help with grid capacity, but will also lower your electric bill- a win-win! 
  4. Take advantage of green spaces in or around your neighborhood. Green spaces often provide shade and are able to absorb heat, leading to cooler temperatures than areas without green space. Check out this article about how green spaces can help with cooling temperatures. 
  5. Another thing you can do is place your houseplants in front of windows that get a lot of sun to absorb some of the solar energy. *Disclaimer, before you put your plants in front of your windows to absorb sunlight, make sure their species are able to do so without harming the plant itself. 

As we continue to experience scorching summers, it is crucial that we make changes in our everyday lives to lessen our impact on the environment. Doing so can stabalize summer temperatures and reduce the risk of heat waves and extreme storms. 


We hope you found this week’s green tips useful.  Stay cool! 


Green Tips: Eco-friendly 4th of July

The 4th of July, one of the most celebrated summer holidays in the United States, is just around the corner. Its celebration comes with many barbecues, firework shows, and family reunions that bring people together from all over the nation. Here are some ways that you can make sure your party is sustainable while still enjoying the holiday to its fullest! 

  • Alternatives to Fireworks:

Laser show 

Carpool to community firework shows 

Of course, the celebratory 4th of July fireworks are a favorite among Americans. Unfortunately, fireworks cause extensive environmental damage once the metal salts and explosives react to trigger the explosion. The smoke and gases that are released into the air after their explosion, add to the greenhouse gases already plaguing our atmosphere. Instead, opt for a laser show or carpool with your neighbors to watch public firework displays. Although the second option is not ideal, it will curb the number of people setting off fireworks for a small number of spectators. 

  • Alternatives to plastic forks and knives:

Reusable cutlery 

Biodegradable cutlery 

To serve the many guests coming over for the 4th of July, hosts often turn to plastic forks, knives, and spoons to get the job done. But plastic utensils take about 200 years to break down after ending up in a landfill. Instead, you can buy reusable cutlery made from bamboo, stainless steel, or other types of metal. There are also biodegradable cutlery options made from plant material that you can replace your plastic utensils with. 

  • Compost leftover food 

One of the biggest challenges that comes with hosting a cookout is estimating the amount of food that is needed. It is estimated that over 100 billion pounds of food goes to waste in the United States per year. This food ends up in a landfill where it releases methane during decomposition, which is one of the most harmful greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. Although there are many ways to prevent excessive leftovers by planning out portion sizes, you can also compost them instead. Composting reduces landfill waste and provides a natural alternative to chemical fertilizer for gardens. Here is a step-by-step guide to starting your compost at home! 

  • Alternatives to charcoal:

Organic lump bamboo charcoal 

Coconut shell charcoal 

Grilling with charcoal releases an immense amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is another harmful greenhouse gas. Many charcoal bricks also contain other byproducts like lighter fluid, which makes them release volatile compounds (VOCs) when they burn as well. This further contributes to the greenhouse gas concentrations driving climate change. Instead, you can switch to bamboo or coconut shell charcoal, which do not contribute to deforestation as opposed to grilling with wood. These types of charcoals also burn without releasing harmful chemicals found in normal charcoal.


By Maya Granderson


Plastic Free Day 2022: NYC schools show support for waste reduction

When we think about the impact of plastics on the environment, a few things probably come to mind: plastic bags drifting in the sea, animals tangled in fishing lines, microplastic particles in the soil, a water bottle that will exist on the planet longer than you will. The sheer scale of plastic pollution is almost too much to wrap our heads around, so how can we start to reduce the amount of waste we’re producing? In New York City, some organizations are beginning to work with the younger generations, connecting them with the resources they need to learn about sustainability and waste reduction. 

Cafeteria Culture, an organization that started as a grassroots project to limit styrofoam in schools, is working in partnership with the New York City Department of Education Office of Food and Nutrition Services and the Office of Sustainability to host the city’s first Plastic Free Lunch Day on Monday, May 16, 2022. 

The event was originally started by students from PS 15 in Brooklyn, who conducted surveys and gathered data on the amount of litter found in their communities in order to push for the Department of Sanitation to expand access to recycling services in the area. Through the schools’ collaboration with Cafeteria Culture, they reported having been able to reduce litter in their neighborhood by two-thirds. The class went on to testify at City Hall against plastic litter and its impact on New York’s waterways. 


Emphasizing the younger generation’s dedication to protecting the planet, the goal of the event is to create a lunch period with as few plastic items as possible, in the hopes of eventually eliminating all cafeteria single-use plastic. This means working with school staff to minimize the amount of single-use plastics being provided in the lunchroom, from utensils to wrappers to water bottles. According to Cafeteria Culture, over 750 elementary schools in New York City will be participating in the event. 

In 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that if current trends continue, the amount of plastic waste entering the world’s oceans would triple to 32 million tons per year by 2040.  This would be the equivalent of dumping 110 pounds of plastic on every meter of coastline in the entire world. 

These threats are especially poignant to the younger generations, many of whom have joined the youth climate movement to speak out against climate inaction. May 25th also marks the newest iteration of international Youth Climate Strike protests, according to reports from Fridays for Future

Looking at the numbers associated with widespread pollution and climate change, with the new reports showing that we may be entering the “now or never” territory of rising temperatures, it can be easy to become discouraged. To combat that, Cafeteria Culture outlines several reasons to participate on their website: 

  • First and foremost, the first steps towards climate action can, in turn, inspire more action, in schools or at home in students’ communities.
  • Plastic Free Lunch Day allows schools and their students to see what change can look like, so they can see how they can also help. 
  • Collective action builds community and generates a positive, inspired mentality.
  • Students can collect before and after data/photos and use them to inform and persuade, as the PS 15 students did previously. 
  • Collective action, especially that which is interactive and offers visible results, helps to bring joy and relieve climate anxiety, a trend which has already been affecting the nation’s youth populations. 

When it comes to combating climate change, waste reduction is one of the most effective ways to participate on a personal level. According to the EPA, not only does waste reduction limit greenhouse gas emissions, but it also saves energy, saves money, and takes more strain off of waste systems. 

Due to their limited political power, youth activists organize and participate in events like the Youth Climate Strike and Plastic Free Lunch Day to raise awareness about the climate crisis and show the authority figures around them that this is an issue they care deeply about. So, don’t worry, the kids are alright — and they’re fighting for their futures every day. 

The New York League of Conservation Voters encourages students and parents to get involved and see if they can organize waste reduction or climate awareness events in their communities, because every child deserves a clean, safe future, and the only way we can achieve that is through community action. 

Green Tips: A Sustainable Summer

As the weather is warming up, the sun-fueled fun of summer makes it one of the most anticipated seasons of the year. As you get ready for longer days and warmer nights, there are many ways to reduce your environmental impact to ensure you have an eco-friendly yet exciting summer. 

  • Use eco-friendly/reef-friendly sunscreen

With the UV index of the summer season being so high, it is important to protect your skin with sunscreen. While your sunscreen will undoubtedly protect you, many sunscreens will contain harsh chemicals that endanger the ocean and beach. In fact, one drop of toxic sunscreen can poison coral reefs the size of six Olympic-sized swimming pools. To ensure that your sunscreen won’t damage coral reefs, make sure that it’s oxybenzone- and octinoxate-free. Also, try to avoid other chemicals, parabens, and nano-particles. A good way to get started is trying mineral sunscreens that are less harmful and just as effective. Check out this article for great eco-friendly sunscreen recommendations: The Best Reef-Safe, Eco-Friendly Sunscreens

  • Reduce air conditioning use

While the summer heat can get intense, you should resist the temptation to crank up the air conditioning to its maximum capacity in order to assist with grid resiliency. While it might feel good, doing so consumes a significant amount of energy. AC usage also emits greenhouse gasses and leaks hydrofluorocarbons, which perpetuates climate change. If you need to use the AC, try to turn it on intermittently and use a fan to cool your living space when your AC is resting.

  • Use a reusable water bottle 

With the weather getting so warm, staying hydrated becomes an important task. Carrying a reusable water bottle ensures that you’ll always have a container to refill with water while also reducing the amount of single-use plastic waste. 

  • Shop and eat locally 

A great way to stay healthy and save on emissions whilst boosting the local economy is eating locally produced food. While you can do this year around, the local farmers’ markets are always buzzing when the weather warms up with vendors and patrons. In order to have a sustainable meal, shop for vegetables and other foods at your local farmers’ market. Due to the short food supply chain, locally-sourced foods generally have less of a carbon footprint compared to importanted processed foods. 

  • Avoid disposable plates and utensils 

Barbeques and picnics are common activities in the summer. An often unintended side-effect of eating outdoors is creating a lot of waste. When going on picnics or hosting cookouts, don’t use disposable plates, cutleries, napkins, or cups and opt for reusable alternatives instead. Check out this article for more information.

  • Walk or use public transport 

With the weather being so nice, you should opt for walking or biking instead of driving! If you need to travel somewhere far, using public transportation instead of driving is a great option as it eases congestion and reduces emissions. 

  • Shop second hand 

Some of the fun activities of the summer may require or even be shopping. Thrift stores or yard sales are a great eco-friendly activity that gets you what you need. Through second-hand shopping, you give life to products that the original owners no longer need. It also slows down the production chain and allows products in circulation to be used to their highest potential. The warmer seasons make yard sales popular so the summer can also be a great time to host a yard sale to declutter your home!


Earth Day 2022: How you can get involved

Despite the recent cold weather in New York, the coming spring provides an opportunity to get out of stuffy offices and cramped rooms and appreciate the flora and fauna right outside our doors. Not only has regular exposure to green been found to be beneficial for mental health, but taking the time to familiarize yourself with nature can also give you a greater appreciation for the Earth and the resources it provides. 

It’s time again for Earth Day, an opportunity to take the time to spend time in nature, learn about climate change, and educate ourselves about the role each of us play in protecting the planet. 

A brief history of Earth Day

Earth Day was brought about in the 1960s by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, in the hopes of uniting environmental thinkers and advocates of the time. With the help of Harvard University graduate student Denis Hayes, the first Earth Day was organized on April 22, 1970, shedding light on the importance of environmental conservation and protection, specifically for college students. 

The organizing on college campuses soon spread across the country, inspiring around 20 million Americans to go out and participate in Earth Day marches and demonstrations. According to a National Geographic report, the initial event strengthened support for environmental legislation in the United States such as the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act (1973). The day would become an international holiday later in 1990. 

How can you celebrate this year? 

If you’re from the concrete jungle, it can be hard to feel connected to the environment. For parents in particular, teaching the younger generations about the natural world is of the utmost importance in the fight to protect the environment. 

One close-to-home option can help kids learn about the role of local pollinators at the Queens County Farm Museum for their Bee-A-Pollinator Earth Day Service Day, where attendees will learn about composting, gardening, and beekeeping! Or, if farming isn’t your style, the New York City Parks Program has a full calendar of events to expose you to the city’s green spaces, such as tree planting, river cleanups, nature walks, and opportunities to learn about native NYC plants.

By extension, the New York Botanical Gardens not only offer tours of the grounds, but will also be hosting local scientists and horticulturists to talk about their work in protecting, studying, and preserving local plants. For those who prefer crafting, visit the Wave Hill Gardens for their Family Art Project: Gratitude Garden program, which aims to teach kids their abilities to help the planet, in addition to several horticultural lectures. 

On a larger scale, the Earth Day Initiative is again hosting its Earth Day Festival and Virtual Stage event in Union Square, which presents an assortment of exhibitors, including leading environmental and climate groups, actors, U.S. representatives, and youth activists. Additionally, for those more interested in connecting with the community directly, the Grand Bazaar NYC is hosting an Earth Day event, putting attendees in touch with local artisans who work with recycled materials.

Even if you don’t live near the city, there are plenty of ways to give back in your own backyard. Organizations like EARTHDAY.ORG offer databases you can use to find a cleanup near you, a volunteering experience that puts you directly in contact with the natural world and the pollution that affects it. 

How else can you get involved? 

If you can’t find an Earth Day event near you, there’s plenty of ways to celebrate the planet at home! Consider the amount of waste you generate every day, or the amount of energy you consume. How much paper and plastic is thrown away, or how many lights are left on? 

Try to challenge yourself to see if you can go paperless or plastic-free for a whole day. Making an effort to be a conscious consumer can put the scale of the world’s waste problems into perspective. Sure, it’s one plastic bag you opted to not keep from takeout; but how many other people are making the same decision to throw their bags away? Around 8 million metric tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans every year, adding to the already-heavy strains that plastic pollution and microplastics place on fragile marine ecosystems. So, take a moment to question how much plastic you use and dispose of on a regular basis, and see if you can shift away from these practices for Earth Day 2022. 

If cutting all paper and plastic sounds too overwhelming, there are numerous other ways to consider your environmental impact. For example, how environmentally-friendly are your clothes and shopping habits? The fashion industry contributes to deforestation, pollution, and accounts for 35% of all microplastics found in the ocean. Therefore, be conscious about the clothes you’re buying and how you treat them once you have them! Shop secondhand when possible, avoid fast fashion, and try not to over-consume to match current trends. 

When all else fails, stick to the basics: reduce the amount you are consuming, reuse what you have rather than buying new where possible, and recycle what can no longer be used. Even the smallest steps towards environmental consciousness can add up when done on a large scale, so be sure to encourage your community to get involved as well.

Get Involved