Global Warming Has Accelerated: What We Know and Where We Stand

By Anna Buell

The warming of the earth’s atmosphere has not only continued but accelerated over the past decade, resulting in the NOAA reporting that January 2025 was the hottest January globally reported. The constant influx of frightening climate news tends to feel dystopian as we watch the consequences of our species’ legacy materialize before us. From the wildfires in California to the devastating storms in North Carolina, the eerie comfort of accepting this new reality calls to us. However, we must resist the urge to bury our heads in the sand. Understanding and embracing climate science, however complex it is, has and will continue to play a critical role in our ability to combat the global climate crisis. 

A recent report from prominent climate scientist James Hansen and several of his colleagues entitled “Global Warming Has Accelerated: Are the United Nations and the Public Well-Informed?” provides a detailed explanation of why global warming is accelerating and its implications on the environment, people, and policy. While many climate scientists have struggled to rationalize the magnitude of the warming spurred by the 2023-2024 El Nino event, Hansen et al. argue that half of the unexpected temperature jump can be attributed to the restriction of aerosol emissions by ships, imposed in 2020 by the International Maritime Organization. Aerosols, or small particles suspended in the air, act as nuclei for cloud formation. Clouds reflect sunlight, resulting in cooling that counteracts the warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

While policies that limit aerosol emissions are beneficial to human health, they come at the cost of lowering this cooling ability. This recent decrease in atmospheric aerosols led to a significantly warmer El Nino than predicted. Warming models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rely on aerosol forcing remaining constant. Hansen et al. claim that this oversight has caused climate scientists to underestimate climate sensitivity; that is, the relative effect of rising greenhouse gas levels on global temperatures. According to Hansen in a webinar with Sustainable Development Solutions Network, “Humanity made a bad deal, a Faustian Bargain when we used aerosols to offset almost half of greenhouse gas warming. Particulate air pollution kills 6-8 million people per year. We can’t let that continue.”  

Essentially, a change in human behavior has had unexpectedly large impacts on the Earth’s atmosphere. This is hardly a new phenomenon. 

One of the most prevalent climate scientists has produced a report detailing that the state of the global climate is far more precarious than previously thought and could potentially lead to the long-term shutdown of the deep ocean currents that drive weather patterns in 20 to 30 years. It is hard to see the silver lining. And yet, here it is: 

Our actions hold power. 

When we first faced the shocking heat data from the 2023-2024 El Nino, we feared not that the world was ending or that the sky was falling, but something much more daunting: we didn’t know what was happening. Hansen et al. have answered this alarm. We can draw a clear line between our actions and their repercussions. Our well-intentioned political action led to an environmental change and this truth should serve as an invigorating driver in our continued fight for climate policy. While the paradoxical nature of aerosols raises issues of climate and public health tradeoffs, and recent global temperatures are cause for concern, we can find comfort in the knowledge that we are on Earth, not in the twilight zone. The New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund will continue its mission to promote environmentally conscious policy to combat global climate change and work towards holding human health and climatic conditions in conversation. 

Anna Buell, an undergraduate intern at the New York League of Conservation Voters since January 2025, is a third-year student at New York University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies.

Interborough Express Getting Boost Thanks to Congestion Pricing

By Peter Aronson

It’s been just over a month since the congestion pricing program in New York City and we are already seeing story after story about how commute times are going down, traffic in the lower half of Manhattan is speeding up, and first responders are responding faster. 

Another major benefit of the program will come in the form of billions of dollars in funding for mass transit, and one project that’s on the move, dubbed the Interborough Express (IBX), has the potential to bring congestion relief and convenience to residents of Brooklyn and Queens. 

The proposed $5.5 billion IBX, a light-rail transportation system, would run alongside an existing freight line railroad track in a semicircle from Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, with a total of 19 stations, passing through Metropolitan, Atlantic, Flatbush and New Utrecht avenues among them, ending at the Brooklyn Army Terminal.

The rail line would connect the “ethnically and economically diverse communities of Sunset Park, Borough Park, Kensington, Midwood, Flatbush, Flatlands, New Lots, Brownsville, East New York, Bushwick, Ridgewood, Middle Village, Maspeth, Elmhurst and Jackson Heights,” an MTA fact sheet explains, with the daily ridership expecting to reach 115,000, or 40 million annually. The rail corridor is home to approximately 900,000 residents and 260,000 workers within a half mile of the proposed line.

Despite sharing a border, the two boroughs are notoriously challenging to travel between on mass transit, with subway routes taking residents first into Manhattan before heading to their destination. 

This will be a “game-changer” for residents of Queens and Brooklyn, Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. said, explaining that the project will provide mass transit for communities that historically lacked it and unlock “economic opportunities for residents on both sides of the Queens-Brooklyn border.” 

In 2023, Gov. Hochul announced the start of the environmental review process. In January 2024, the governor announced $45 million for initial engineering studies. So far, there have been 35 project meetings with elected officials, stakeholders and the public to discuss the project, study the options and then revise the plans going forward.

This fall, the project took a significant step forward when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) released a Request for Proposals to solicit consultation bids to begin the preliminary engineering phase for  IBX. This process is expected to take two years.

The current plan would connect communities in Brooklyn and Queens to 17 subway lines, 51 bus routes and the Long Island Railroad at the East New York station. Needless to say, it would reduce travel time between boroughs, allowing residents and workers to avail themselves of mass transit instead of driving, reducing their carbon footprints.

Funding for the preliminary engineering project will be awarded under the MTA’s 2020-24 Capital Plan. An additional $2.75 billion for further project development and the start of construction is included in the MTA’s approved 2025-29 Capital Plan, the MTA said in its release. The additional $2.75 billion would still need to be obtained.

NYLCV looks forward to working with our elected leaders, state and federal agencies, other environmental advocates and affected parties to make sure the Interborough Express gets full funding and comes to fruition in a reasonable period of time.

Peter Aronson, a volunteer writer at the New York League of Conservation Voters since September 2022, is a former journalist and retired attorney. He is the author of Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene, a novel for middle-grade readers about kids fighting global warming. Kirkus Reviews, in a starred review, wrote: “A scathing work and an essential blueprint for youth battling climate change.” To read more about Peter, visit his website or to purchase his book, click here.

Green Tips: Holiday Gatherings

The holiday season is in full swing! There is usually a lot of planning that goes into holiday gatherings, including parties, religious ceremonies, or small get-togethers. Follow our tips for hosting a more environmentally-friendly yet fun holiday gathering this year.

Getting to the Party

Transportation is the leading source of emissions in New York State. Fewer cars on the road means fewer greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere and improved air quality.

If you’re attending a gathering in someone else’s home, look up public transportation options, ride-sharing  or try carpooling. You can catch up with your friends while reducing your carbon footprint – and no DWIs.

Travel often comes at a cost to our environment. Transportation is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions nationwide and statewide. Consider choosing a mode of transportation that’s better for the environment.

Unless you’re walking or biking, your best bet is to travel by bus, train, or electric or hybrid car, as those options have a smaller carbon footprint compared to other modes of transportation – less than ½ pound of carbon dioxide per mile.

You may also consider carpooling if you’re traveling with other families or friends to save energy, reduce vehicle emissions, and decrease your fuel costs.

If you need to travel by plane, look for nonstop flights because most emissions from airplanes result from the take-off and landing process.

Say no to single-use items

Single-use plastics can take hundreds of years to biodegrade, increasing the burden on municipal landfills and clogging our waterways. Wildlife can also get entangled in or ingest the plastic. 

Other types of single-use items can also negatively impact the environment. The amount of water and energy used in the manufacturing process of disposable plates is higher-per-use than reusable plates.

This year, ditch the disposable items! Use reusable napkins, plates, and cutlery. Not only will this allow you to take fewer trips to the grocery to continuously stock up on such items but it will also reduce waste and your carbon footprint. You can also ask your guests to bring their own cups or mugs if you think you may not have enough at home for everyone. 

Make sure to offer tap water if possible, rather than disposable bottles of water.

At the end of the night, be sure to run a full load of dishes in your dishwasher if you have one.

Avoid plastic packaging

Many party snacks typically come in pre-packaged plastic. This year, carve out some time to prepare party snacks yourself. Homemade snacks can include rolls, dips, salsas, or flatbreads. You can read up on some recipe ideas here.


Encourage recycling by placing clearly labeled receptacles around the venue in a strategic way, such as where guests typically convene and chat. Make recycling fool-proof by providing visuals either on or above the bin for what can and cannot go in. To ensure your guests are aware about the recycling initiatives, make an announcement to guests or have a few guests spread the word. You can also have fun with inspiring guests to recycle by placing creative posters near receptacles, encouraging guests to help turn their recyclable into something new!

Lights & Decor

Consider changing the light bulbs to LED bulbs, which use 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than typical bulbs. Even after all the party guests leave, you’ll still have energy efficient lighting in the house that may even last until the next get together! If throwing a Christmas party, consider LED string lights rather than traditional holiday lights. It will save you money while also still being festive.

Upcycled decor is fun to make, cheap, eco-friendly, and often great conversation starters. Although upcycling can be more time consuming than running to the store to buy decor, it creates a great opportunity to get together with friends for arts and crafts some time before the party. Take yourself back to the days of childhood and create paper chains using newspapers or magazines laying around the house! There are so many possibilities when upcycling, look for ideas with a simple Google search or walk around your home for creative inspiration!

Your Food’s Fate 

Americans waste 25% of the food they purchase. That’s why it’s important not to over-prepare food that will eventually get thrown away. Check to see what you already have and plan a grocery list in advance to cut down food waste. If you do foresee copious amounts of remaining food, try composting if possible or offer leftovers to your guests. Give out leftover foods in reusable glass containers instead of plastic. 

Tips for a Green Holiday Shopping Season

By Peter Aronson

In keeping with the holiday spirit, we are offering tips on how best to shop for family and friends, while also giving back to the environment.

A good way to do this, as we move collectively towards a more sustainable and equitable future, is to consider the carbon footprint of whatever you are thinking of buying.

For example, if you want to buy someone a beautiful sweater made in Italy, think about the cost to the environment of shipping that sweater thousands of miles. Shipping by truck, train, plane and/or ship produces carbon emissions; as a general rule, the further the trip, the more carbon emissions are produced and released into our atmosphere.

Keeping that in mind, here are our shopping tips for this holiday season:

  1. Buy local. This will reduce or eliminate much of the carbon footprint caused by shipping, and it will also support your local merchants. You can also use reusable shopping bags to reduce waste! Read more here about why it’s important to shop locally;
  2. Avoid large, big-box stores. Most of their products are made overseas and they travel many thousands of miles to their destinations. Also, these stores often use hard-plastic shell wrapping. We want to curtail their use;
  3. Gift an experience: Instead of buying things, buy someone a wonderful experience, like tickets to a show, a concert or a sporting event;
  4. Buy someone a membership to a gym or a museum or subscription to a magazine;
  5. Make a charitable gift in someone’s name;
  6. Try making something yourself. Buy local ingredients in your neighborhood and bake something delicious. Knit a scarf. Everyone loves fresh baked goodies or homemade gifts;
  7. If you do buy or make a gift, use sustainable wrapping paper, such as old newspaper or recycled paper … or no paper at all;
  8. If you receive a gift that is replacing something only mildly or gently used (clothing) or something that can be refurbished (electronics), think about donating the old item to charity. Remember, old electronics can be recycled, for parts or the actual device.    
  9. If you do buy a gift, think of shopping at your local thrift store. You’ll be amazed at the beautiful clothing and jewelry you can find by “thrifting”;
  10. If you prefer not to thrift, then think about shopping for ethically-sourced, fair-trade products, whether online or in a store. Here are just a few of the many online options t0 help get you started:  


  • Pact organic, carbon neutral, Fair Trade Certified
  • Vermont FlannelGOTS Certified Organic Cotton, made in USA
  • Harvest and Mill grown and sewn in USA, 100% organic cotton, carbon neutral

Beauty Products 

  • 100% Pure nontoxic, cruelty free, vegan, eco-friendly packaging and shipping
  • Clover by Clove and Hallow cruelty free, vegan, Certified Net Plastic Neutral, child labor free supply chain
  • Booda Organics organic, non-gmo, vegan, cruelty free, Fair Trade Certified
  • Nourish Organic certified by the USDA National Organic Program, cruelty free, Fair Trade Certified

Chocolate + coffee 

  • Equal Exchange – coffee and chocolate, Fair Trade Certified
  • Alter Eco – chocolate, Fair Trade Certified, regenerative agriculture, organic, carbon neutral
  • Theo – chocolate, Fair Trade Certified
  • Higher Ground – coffee, Fair Trade Certified, organic

We hope these suggestions help. We wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and wonderfully sustainable holiday season!

Peter Aronson, a volunteer writer at the New York League of Conservation Voters since September 2022, is a former journalist and retired attorney. He is the author of Mandalay Hawk’s Dilemma: The United States of Anthropocene, a novel for middle-grade readers about kids fighting global warming. Kirkus Reviews, in a starred review, wrote: “A scathing work and an essential blueprint for youth battling climate change.” To read more about Peter, visit his website or to purchase his book, click here.

Report: Almost 30 Percent of the Drinking Water Service Lines in New York City Are or May be Made of Lead

Following the historic announcement by the federal Environmental Protection Agency of the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, a member of the NYC Coalition to End Lead Poisoning, released an interactive map and a comprehensive report to help New York City residents determine if the building they live in (i.e., small apartment building or a single-family home) or visit or work (i.e., a house of worship or small office) has a drinking water service line that is or may be made of lead. 

NYLCVEF’s map can also be searched by neighborhood, borough and legislative district, which will enable residents and public officials to advocate for themselves and their neighborhoods.

NYLCVEF’s map is an easy-to-use tool for New Yorkers to quickly see if they are at risk.  

The map can be found here.

The report can be found here.

Key findings:

  • Almost 30 percent of the service lines in the city are made of lead or possible lead. 14 percent are “known” lead service lines and 15 percent are deemed by NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to be of an “unknown” material, which the report points out should be considered “possible lead” until DEP determines otherwise. Combined, this means that an estimated 1.3 million New Yorkers, or one in six, may be drinking water that passes through a lead or possible lead pipe.

  • The top ten neighborhoods with known LSL’s are: Jamaica, Queens, and Pelham – Throgs Neck, the Bronx (25%), Southwest Queens (23%), Ridgewood-Forest Hills (22%), West Queens (22%), LI City-Astoria (21%), Southeast Queens (19%). Fordham – Bronx Park (18%), Greenpoint (18%), and Kingsbridge – Riverdale (17%).

  • 41% of known Lead Service Lines citywide are located in environmental justice or “disadvantaged communities” (DAC’s) as they are referred to under state law.

  • The distribution of known LSLs in DACs are located in Queens (39%), Brooklyn (26%), Bronx (26%), Staten Island (6%) and Manhattan (3%). 

On October 8, 2024, the federal EPA issued the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements requiring more rigorous testing of drinking water and a lower threshold requiring communities to take action to protect people from lead exposure in water. In addition, the final rule improves communication within communities so that families are better informed about the risk of lead in drinking water, the location of lead pipes, and plans for replacing them. A key part of this rule is the historic requirement for the vast majority of water systems to replace all lead service lines within 10 years starting in 2027.

According to the EPA, cities like Benton Harbor, MI, and Green Bay, WI, replaced their lead service lines in less than 10 years. Other systems like Detroit, MI, Pittsburgh, PA, Denver, CO, Milwaukee, WI, and Saint Paul, MN, have already started this work and are on pace to replace every lead service line within the next 10 years.

While the NYC DEP has begun some replacement work on lead service lines — which are considered privately owned — the pace falls far short of what will be required to comply with the new lead and copper rule, this report calls on the City Council to create a program to remove all lead service lines over a ten year period at no cost to New Yorkers. A centralized, mandatory replacement program would reduce the costs for lead service line replacements through economies of scale. It will also be less disruptive to New York City neighborhoods that will have mass-scale replacements. To ensure high quality work, lead pipe replacements should be conducted by union labor, pay prevailing wage, and where possible utilize apprenticeship programs to open employment opportunities to local community members.

This work can be accomplished through a variety of federal and state grants and financing that are available to help pay for lead service line replacements. Chief among the federal funding sources is $15 billion in the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). New York City is expected to receive $120 million from BIL. Unfortunately, this amount of funding will not be adequate. DEP estimates that when its inventory is completed, there will be 150,000 lead pipes in need of replacement, making the total cost of replacement $2 billion. In other words, BIL funding will only cover just 6% of what is needed, which is a start, but far short of what the city needs. The Congress and President as well as the Governor and state legislature must allocate new funding to replace lead service lines to help New York City to fully fund this federal mandate with public dollars. 

The map and report are a follow up to a 2023 report by NYC Coalition to End Lead Poisoning

About lead exposure

NYC has the largest unfiltered water supply in the United States and its water is delivered from the upstate reservoir system virtually lead-free. A drinking water service line is the pipe that delivers water from the water main in the middle of a street to a building. A pathway of lead exposure is a service line that is made of lead, or has lead components, that leaches lead into the water due to corrosion or physical disturbance. In 1961, the City banned lead service line installations.

There is no safe level of lead exposure as even small doses can affect almost every organ and system in the human body, often with irreversible effects. People of all ages face health risks from lead exposure, but fetuses and young children are most susceptible to the adverse effects of lead. Lead exposure is particularly dangerous in drinking water because it is colorless, tasteless, and odorless.

From 1858 until 1961, New York City not only permitted the use of lead pipes but at times encouraged and required them,” said Josh Klainberg, Senior Vice President for the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund. New York City has at the very least a moral obligation to take fiscal and logistical responsibility for the replacement of all lead pipes, a problem that it created through a toxic, 103 year-old legacy. It is our hope that the NYC Council steps up once again and cleans up this mess by introducing a local law offering its residents a free, city-run program to remove lead service lines.” 

Our Vote is Our Power: How NYLCVEF Inspired Thousands to Make Their Voices Heard in 2024

At the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (NYLCVEF), we believe in the power of voting. Voting is more than just casting a ballot; it’s an act of hope and a commitment to shaping the world around us. During the 2024 election, through our largest voter awareness campaign yet, Our Vote is Our Power, we reached thousands of voters with one clear message: your voice matters.

With the climate crisis intensifying and public health on the line, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Change doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it happens when people come together to demand action. Although not every result will be what we hope for, the act of voting itself is an essential investment in the system that drives that change.

It’s also important to note that it doesn’t end with an election. Now is the time to stay engaged and hold our elected officials accountable.

Engaging Voters Across New York

In communities from Nassau County to Syracuse, the Hudson Valley to New York City, NYLCVEF worked tirelessly to connect with voters. We produced and distributed a video to demonstrate the power of the vote. We engaged in over 50 community events, sent more than 17,000 text messages, made 71,000 calls, and gathered nearly 3,000 pledges to vote. Each interaction, whether through a text, a postcard, or a conversation at a concert, served as a reminder: your vote is your power.

One of our favorite moments came during a collaboration that used the power of art to jumpstart civic engagement

It’s called Project Your Vote from visual artists Packard Jennings and Jessica Tully, whom the Education Fund partnered with to create inspiring images that were displayed across the Brooklyn Public Library’s iconic 1941 facade the night before early voting began. 

The project was created in partnership with the Center for Artistic Activism and their Art for the Polls program and with support from the Center for Artistic Action, and People for the American Way Foundation.

The unique projections featured larger-than-life slow-motion videos to evoke iconic imagery from the 1960s civil rights movement and inspire feelings of pride, empowerment, and community while simultaneously connecting the struggle for voters’ rights – and the power of the vote – to the present.

The displays transformed from black and white to vibrant color, combining the symbolism of the era with a modern call to action. In addition to the striking visuals, the projection provided crucial election information, including early voting dates and a phone number for voters needing assistance.

Messages like Your Vote Matters and Be a Voter lit up Grand Army Plaza, drawing in commuters and passersby. With a DJ spinning music, our team handed out voter materials and encouraged onlookers to participate in democracy. It was festive, inspiring, and deeply meaningful.

Photographer Randi Rosenblum documented the evening and ABC 7 was on hand to cover the event

It didn’t stop there. The Education Fund took the show on the road to Upstate New York with artist Courtney Frances Fallon projecting the stunning visuals at locations in Syracuse, Rochester, and the Hudson Valley, where she was joined by an NYLCVEF team member to document and engage with onlookers. 

The heart of Our Vote is Our Power lay in its grassroots approach. Beyond digital ads and mailers, our team hit the ground to meet people where they are. In Hempstead and in New York City – also in conjunction with Art for the Polls – we partnered with Eljuri Concerts for Democracy, helping to inspire audiences to pledge to vote. And in Syracuse, we sent postcards to voters in low-income neighborhoods, ensuring they had the resources to navigate the voting process.

Why Voting Matters for the Environment

Every vote cast is a step toward a healthier planet. We know the fight against climate change requires bold action, and that action needs to come from policymakers who share our vision for a sustainable future. From funding clean energy initiatives to passing environmental protections, these decisions are made by the people we elect. When we vote, we shape policies that will impact our air, water, and health for generations to come.

By reaching low-propensity voters, many of whom face barriers to participation, we aim to bridge the gap between individual voices and collective change. Whether through concerts, postcard meetups, or projections at polling places, our campaign focused on engaging communities often left out of the conversation.

The Health of Democracy Depends on Us

As we look toward the primaries in June, the message doesn’t waver. Each ballot cast is a declaration of belief in a better future. Voting is how we show up for our communities, for the environment, and for each other, and it’s the most powerful tool we have to address the challenges facing our planet.

Green Tips: Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Check out our tips below to find out how to make this holiday season more eco-friendly.

Travel smart 

  • Not surprising, Thanksgiving travel has a larger carbon footprint than the dinner itself. If you have to travel for Thanksgiving, try to avoid using your gas-powered car for long trips: try carpooling with family or friends or renting an electric vehicle (EV). There are an increasing number of EV charging stations throughout the country. 
  • Using public transportation is a great eco-option. Look into traveling by bus or train if you’re destination is close enough. 

“Green” your plate

  • The carbon dioxide emissions from raising, transporting and cooking a 16-pound turkey equals the combined emissions from nearly all dinner sides, as well as the apple pie! In general, meat and animal products have a larger carbon footprint than plants, so consider introducing more plant-based options this holiday. 
  • Avoid food waste by saving leftovers and putting on your plate only what you will eat. Americans throw away an astonishing 200 million pounds of turkey every year! Make sure you have enough containers to hand out to family and friends so everyone can take home leftovers. These eco-friendly Tupperware containers are a great option!
  • Buy a locally-raised turkey! This is beneficial for a number of reasons: for one, transportation emissions are lower for local turkeys. Additionally, visiting a local farm to buy your turkey supports the local economy, and you can inquire about the use of sustainable or organic farming practices. 
  • Shop at a local food market for all other Thanksgiving food necessities. Locally-grown fruits and vegetables are fresher and more nutrient-dense than the supermarket alternatives and will be a delicious addition to your holiday. 


Talk about the environment

  • Consider using mealtime to discuss environmental issues that are important to you. Wonderful veggie recipes, hydro-power innovation, and new types of EV models are always great conversation starters! 
  • Make sure you come prepared with statistics or tips when informing family members of sustainable practices or pressing environmental issues. 
  • Don’t forget to give thanks to the planet that sustains us … even better when sharing gratitude with loved ones! 

Have a happy, safe, and sustainable Thanksgiving!

DEP Expands Critical Lead Service Line Replacement Program for Low-Income Residents

New York City, trying to tackle its significant lead pipe problem, has announced it is expanding an existing program to replace lead service lines at no cost in targeted low-income and environmental justice areas of the city.

Last month, Mayor Eric Adams announced a $48 million effort to replace privately-owned lead service lines in the Bronx and Queens for low-income families. Water service lines connect directly to the city’s water mains and service line replacement can typically cost more than $10,000. Those eligible for the program have a median household income of less than $47,600.

The program is focused on areas with a high concentration of lead service lines, which carry water from the city’s water mains into buildings where they connect with localized plumbing fixtures. Only homeowners who are contacted by DEP may participate in the program.

“There is no more important mission than keeping New Yorkers and our water supply safe,” said New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner and New York City Chief Climate Officer Rohit T. Aggarwala. “Our water is lead free, but lead in homeowners’ pipes and service lines can introduce lead into drinking water. We’re pleased to make use of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s funding to help New Yorkers by replacing their lead service lines, and we are grateful to the Biden-Harris administration, Congress, the EPA, and New York state for making this funding available.

This is an expansion of a pilot program that began in 2022, where approximately 600 privately-owned lead service lines were replaced in all boroughs except Manhattan, at no cost to property owners.

“NYC has done an extraordinary job of protecting its drinking water source, yet with every lead pipe in the ground, it’s a diminishment of city’s return on investment and a lurking public health threat to those who drink water through it,” said Josh Klainberg, Senior President for the New York League of Conservation Voters. “We are pleased that the city has announced this $48 million expansion of an existing program and urge all residents to respond to DEP’s offer to replace the pipe at no cost.”

The $48 million award comes in the form of a $20 million grant and a $28 million interest-free loan, funded by the Biden Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure law, which earmarked $15 billion nationally for lead service line replacement. New York State announced in late-September that it would put in state money to forgive the $28 million loan portion for this award.

Under the program announced by Mayor Adams, the DEP has already begun sending letters out to eligible residents in the Bronx, informing them of this program and how they can enroll. Replacement work has already begun in some areas in the Bronx. Eligible residents in Queens will start to receive letters next year.

Following a requirement set by the new federal Lead and Copper Rule Improvements, more than 250,000 DEP customers citywide that have lead or galvanized steel, or have unknown service line materials will receive letters informing them how they can take steps to protect themselves against lead poisoning.

 These steps include: 

  1. Running tap water in the morning until it becomes colder, usually taking 1 to 2 minutes. The colder water is an indication that the water sitting in your home pipes overnight has been flushed out and that fresh water from the city’s water mains is now flowing into your home and is safer to drink.
  2. Clean the faucet’s screen (also known as an aerator) periodically. In some homes, small particles containing lead can get trapped in these devices.
  3. Use a water filter certified by the NSF or UL for lead removal, such as a Brita filter. These can either be installed under a sink or used in a special pitcher. For more info on water filters, see this article in Consumer Reports
  4. The surest way to remove lead from your drinking water is to replace your lead water service line and/or lead plumbing fixtures in your home. You can do that by hiring a licensed master plumber.

NYLCV estimates that NYC will receive a grand total of $120 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Unfortunately, this amount of funding will not be adequate. DEP estimates that there are approximately 150,000 lead pipes in need of replacement, making the total cost of replacement $2 billion. In other words, BIL funding will only cover just 6% of what is needed, which is a start but far short of what the city needs. New federal and state funding sources to replace lead service lines will need to be identified to help New York City, and all water suppliers, to fully fund this program with public dollars. 


Biden-Harris Administration: Lead Pipes Must Be Replaced Within 10 Years

Last Monday the U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the new Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), a major advancement in protecting children and adults from being exposed to lead in drinking water. 

The updated rule requires drinking water systems across the country to identify and replace lead pipes within 10 years, and it also requires more rigorous testing of drinking water and, critically, a lower threshold for communities to take action to protect the community from lead in drinking water.

“Get the lead out!” said Congressman Tom Suozzi, in reaction to the announcement. “Any amount of lead exposure in drinking water is dangerous and unacceptable, especially for children, and I look forward to seeing the EPA’s new rule ensuring that Americans in Northeast Queens, New York’s 3rd District, and the rest of the country no longer have to worry about this threat.”

In a win for transparency, the new rule also “improves communication within communities so that families are better informed about the risk of lead in drinking water, the location of lead pipes, and plans for replacing them,” according to the EPA. 

In order to meet this mandate, water systems will need to have the most accurate inventory as soon as possible in order to line up the materials, labor, and funding needed to achieve 100% lead pipe replacement quickly, efficiently, equitably, and cost-effectively. 

Part of that will come from $2.6 billion in newly available supplemental drinking water infrastructure funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which the EPA announced alongside the LCRI. New York will receive $116,298,000 in newly available drinking water infrastructure funding for New York through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This funding will flow through the drinking water state revolving funds (DWSRFs) and is available to support lead pipe replacement and inventory projects. 

“Under the leadership of Governor Kathy Hochul, New York State has made historic investments to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water which poses a clear threat to public health. We support the Biden Administration’s new Lead and Copper Rule Improvements which will further protect New Yorkers,” said State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald. We look forward to working with the Environmental Protection Agency to help support our communities’ efforts to comply with the rule and provide safe access to clean drinking water.”

In New York, these and other federal funds will be administered through the Water State Revolving Fund. The EPA also highlighted that 49% of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding must go to disadvantaged communities — those most at risk to lead exposure — in the form of grants or other investments that do not have to be repaid. 

“With up to 9 million homes still being served through legacy lead pipes across the country, today’s announcement by the Biden-Harris Administration to require replacement of lead pipes within 10 years is a critical step to advancing environmental justice,” said Congressman Jerry Nadler. 

There is no safe level of lead exposure and when humans are exposed it can lead to irreversible health effects, including behavior and learning problems as well as serious and long-term physical ailments. 

The EPA estimates that the benefits of the rule will be up to 13 times greater than the costs, including preventing the loss of IQ points in children and avoided deaths and heart disease in adults. 

“Clean water is a basic human right, and this funding is a critical step toward ensuring all our communities—especially those most at risk—have access to it,” said Congressman Paul Tonko. “I’m proud to have helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that made today’s announcement possible, and I look forward to seeing how these actions will benefit our communities for generations to come.”

Additionally, the EPA is encouraging communities to apply directly for a new $35 million in competitive grant funding for reducing lead in drinking water. 

For New Yorkers, this exciting news closely follows a recent announcement of nearly $90 million in State grants for communities to remove lead pipes from drinking water infrastructure. Investments in removing lead pipes will also support the creation of good-paying, local jobs.

“When it comes to New York’s water pipes, we’re getting the lead out,” said Governor Kathy Hochul. “With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and our state’s $90 million investment, we’re helping communities across New York stay safe and healthy.”

There have been periodic revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule since it was first introduced in 1991, including in 2000, 2004, and 2021. This latest update is the most consequential to date and finally sets the nation on the path to eliminating the risk of lead exposure through drinking water once and for all. 

Or, as Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez put it: “We are building toward a 100% lead-free future thanks to the Biden-Harris administration.”

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