Citizen's Toolkit

Our mission is to educate New Yorkers and help them become engaged and empowered advocates for the environment. The resources listed here can help you learn about environmental issues across the state and take advantage of the ways you can protect environment in your personal life and by getting involved in policy and political processes at the local and state levels. From contacting your representatives to the appropriate avenues to report environmental hazards to how to register to vote, these pages can help you protect the interests that are most important to you. As part of the Citizen’s Toolkit, we also provide weekly “Green Tips” so that you can make sustainable lifestyle choices. In the fight against climate change, every little effort can help to reduce carbon emissions and protect our planet from the worst.

Global warming has been a principal concern of the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund since its foundation. It is an unfortunate reality that the warming of the earth’s atmosphere has not only continued but accelerated over the past decade, resulting in the NOAA reporting that January 2025 was the hottest January globally reported.

With the IBX on the move thanks to congestion pricing, NYLCVEF is pleased to present a primer on this major public transportation project that’ll connect Queens and Brooklyn. The daily ridership is expected to reach 115,000, or 40 million annually. The rail corridor is home to approximately 900,000 residents and 260,000 workers within a half mile of the proposed line.

The holiday season is in full swing! There is usually a lot of planning that goes into holiday gatherings, including parties, religious ceremonies, or small get-togethers. Follow our tips for hosting a more environmentally-friendly yet fun holiday gathering this year.

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A growing body of research shows that many feminine care products contain potentially harmful chemicals—including parabens, dioxins, phthalates, undisclosed fragrances, and more—that may lead to cancer, reproductive issues, disrupt hormones, or cause allergic reactions. These products—tampons, pads, sprays, wipes, washes, etc.—are used by the vast majority of women throughout their adult years in the U.S.,…

From Long Island to Niagara Falls and the high peaks of the Adirondacks, New York is full of opportunities to explore natural spaces and connect with the environment. Below is a short list of a few of our favorites, and some tips for planning your spring trek to the trails.  The Adirondack Park is the…

Saint Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, which means time for fun social gatherings and celebration. However, with social gatherings it is easy to forget to be environmentally friendly. Beer bottles, plates, cups, food, and decorations can all turn into polluting waste if not disposed of properly.

Spring cleaning is our time of year to transition from winter to spring: to clean out our closets, to declutter our spaces, to swipe clean our floors, and sweep out the previous season from our homes. Unfortunately, many of these chemicals and household cleaners we use leave an invisible and insidious chemical trail in their…

In our last article on pets, we discussed the carbon paw-print of cats and dogs. For this week’s green tip, we delve into the aquariums — and the depths of the oceans — to investigate the environmental impact of our everyday pet fish. The 25,000 fish we know of on earth and the 15,000 we…

We know that opening up the rabbit hole that is the environmental impact of pets can really be a hair-raising proposition, so we have compiled a list of seven tips to help you become an eco-friendly pet owner and pet-care consumer.

When we look down at our feet, we may not be aware of the impact that the manufacture, use, and disposal of our footwear has on the environment. With the health of our feet and the planet below in mind, here are five tips to green your footwear and sportswear.

You can have it all this Valentine’s Day: a great date and an environmentally sustainable adventure. Check out our tips for making your Valentine’s Day a green and a great one!

Heating accounts for 56% of domestic energy use and plays an understated role in climate change and energy efficiency. It’s time to reassess our heating and cooling technologies—both for frigid cold and sweltering heat waves.

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