Electrifying New York: Grid Readiness and Infrastructure Resiliency

The New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund (NYLCVEF) and Con Edison co-hosted a panel discussion on December 4, at The Center for Architecture (AIA) in New York City.

As New York transitions to electrifying its transportation and buildings sectors, we must consider grid readiness and infrastructure resiliency. The event featured a panel of cross-sector experts who discussed our transmission infrastructure needs. They addressed what they’re currently doing to achieve New York City’s clean energy goals, and more.

NYLCVEF President Julie Tighe delivered opening remarks and the expert panel included Carl Mas, the Vice President for Policy, Analysis and Research at the New York State Energy Research Development Authority; Chris Casey, a Senior Attorney for the NRDC’s Climate & Clean Energy Program; Jen Hensley, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs at Con Edison; and Kevin Lanahan, Senior Corporate Affairs Executive & Communications Leader for the New York Independent System Operator

Samantha Maldonado, a reporter for THE CITY who covers climate and resiliency, moderated the panel. We invite you to view the recording here.


NYLCV Rallies to Save Our Compost

By Alexis Hidalgo

The Save Our Compost coalition held a press conference and rally at City Hall Park on Wednesday to advocate for community composting. Aligning forces with over a dozen council members, we advocated passionately for Mayor Adams and the Department of Sanitation to reinstate vital funding.

Under proposed budget cuts, community compost organizations — GrowNYC, the Lower East Side Ecology Center, BIG Reuse and Earth Matter, as well as the four botanical gardens — must shut down their city-funded programs by the end of the year. 

The community composting programs in our city stand as indispensable resources, converting the waste of New Yorkers into nutrient-rich soil for our parks, gardens, and playgrounds, playing a pivotal role as a tool in the fight against climate change. Cutting community composting and outreach programs will result in the elimination of these invaluable services that provide local food scrap composting, extensive community outreach and education, and over 115 green union jobs for the City. 

No composting effort in NYC can succeed without a strong community composting network.  

The rally witnessed an impressive turnout of over a hundred supporters rallying for the restoration of the budget for community composting. Council Members Sandy Nurse, Chair of the Council Sanitation Committee, Lincoln Restler, Carlina Rivera, Chi Ossé, Crystal Hudson, Shahana Hanif, Shekar Krishnan, Christopher Marte, Erik Bottcher, Shaun Abreu, Eric Dinowitz, Jennifer Gutiérrez, Rita Joseph, Alexa Avilés, Kristin Richardson Jordan, and Julie Won delivered impassioned speeches, with Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso also lending his support.

Council Member Nurse emphasized the urgency of the matter, noting that the loss of these programs would result in over 120 people losing their jobs in just two weeks, and endanger the composting of 8 million pounds of waste through these programs.

Brooklyn Borough President Reynoso argued that cutting community composting is akin to “mortgaging our future,” urging an investment now to save money later.

Council Member Hanif underscored the broader significance, stating, “This is about a lot more than saving composting; this is about saving the city.”

This is a climate justice issue, racial justice issue, and worker justice issue. 

We need to urge Mayor Adams not to eliminate community composting so we can reach our City’s zero waste goals, invest in green jobs, and improve our quality of life!

Take action now! Sign GrowNYC’s petition here

The New York State Parks System Is Turning 100!

By Peter Aronson

As the New York state parks system prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2024, it’s worthwhile to continuously remind ourselves that the state has one of the best public park systems in the world, open to all.

The state has 182 parks, including the Adirondacks and the Catskills. The parks range from the beauty of Niagara Falls to the beaches of Robert Moses State Park on Long Island to the Saratoga Spa State Park, which offers swimming, golf, theater and more. They range from small to huge, many have lakes, all have greenery, and they can be found in virtually every county in the state, from New York to St. Lawrence, from Dutchess to Herkimer, from Ulster to Yates.

You might be wondering, Why is this article appearing now, as we head towards winter and more indoor activities? The reason is because our state parks offer a bevy of outdoor winter activities and also because open spaces – park land – are essential to fighting climate change, and we need to appreciate and applaud them year round. 

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP), which administers 180 state parks, has a wonderful interactive website where you can search state parks by name, location or amenity. For example, 12 state parks have ice skating, 13 sledding, 34 ice fishing, 37 snowmobiling and 106 snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. In the warmer months, 137 parks have fishing, 88 biking, 72 camping and 70 swimming at a beach or a pool. 

These parks are not merely places of recreation and they aren’t luxuries; they are indispensable environmental assets that contribute to the well-being of our planet and our people and are instrumental in preserving and protecting the state’s natural ecosystems. Parks also provide sanctuary for diverse plant and animal species, and they are essential for the conservation of native habitats. 

Perhaps most important, New York State Parks serve as vital components of the state’s strategy to mitigate the impacts of climate change and protect local communities. From coastal resilience to deforestation to their own energy footprint, parks are vital in face growing threats from extreme weather caused by rising temperatures. 

The Appalachian Mountain Club lists several reasons why open land is so essential in our fight against global warming, including that forests and greenery act as a carbon sink by absorbing greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere through photosynthesis; that green spaces are naturally cooler than developed, urban areas; that natural land protects areas against flooding by acting as a buffer; and that naturally balanced ecosystems allow plants and animals to flourish, a push against the declining bird and insect populations in America and the world.

“Conserved lands encourage natural growth and biodiversity, allowing ecosystems around the globe to thrive as nature intended,” the Appalachian Mountain Club states.

NYS OPRHP says “2024 will be an opportunity to reflect on the last one hundred years, celebrate the vital legislation that spurred the expansion of our parks and sites’ network, and ignite conversation and action around preserving New York State lands for the next generation.”

Learn more about the New York State Parks System’s centennial and sign up to receive updates on how and where to celebrate on their anniversary website

The state Department of Environmental Conservation operates the Adirondack and Catskills state parks. To learn about activities in the Adirondacks, go here. For activities in the Catskills, here.  

We look forward to publishing more articles in the coming year on the New York State Parks System where we’ll provide a more in-depth look at their history, their role in environmental stewardship, education, and fighting climate change, as well as their anniversary events and programs.  

In the meantime, no matter the season, we urge all New Yorkers to use and appreciate our parks and open land.

Why Wind Works: Offshore Wind News and Education

The growth of offshore wind infrastructure, an affordable renewable energy source which harnesses power from ocean winds, is leading the path towards a future of green electricity in New York. 

[Register for “Why Wind Works,”  a Lunch and Learn presented by NYLCVEF and Citizens Campaign for the Environment on November 30 at noon.]

Offshore wind energy provides locally produced power that will create significant progress towards the development of a clean energy economy by reducing emissions and creating thousands of family sustaining union jobs in the process. It is an essential component of the transition into clean electricity production and a carbon-neutral economy. 

Under the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York has committed to 70% renewable energy by 2030, 100% carbon free electricity by 2040, and an 85% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from levels recorded in 1990 by 2050. As of now, this includes the development of 9000 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035, though the recent adoption of the final New York State Climate Action Council Scoping Plan indicates we will likely require 16-19 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2050, necessitating that our state act aggressively to site and implement these critical projects. 

Unfortunately, factions opposed to offshore wind are spreading false information. Last spring, NYLCVEF hosted a webinar with the NY Offshore Wind Alliance and Citizens Campaign for the Environment on whale protection called Whale Tales and Whale Facts to combat the false narrative that offshore wind is harming marine life. Attendees heard from experts about where the true threats to whales off NY’s coast comes from and what we can do to protect these species. Then in a recent article we went beyond the issue of whales and marine life to extol the overwhelming benefits of OSW and set the record straight on all the misinformation out there. 

The good news is, despite these efforts to muddy the informational waters and quell support, there is a lot of progress happening on the ground.

Last week, the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced approval of Empire 1 and Empire 2. Located off the coast of New York and New Jersey, Empire Wind will provide clean energy to power over 700,000 homes when complete.

[Register for “Why Wind Works,”  a Lunch and Learn presented by NYLCVEF and Citizens Campaign for the Environment on November 30 at noon.]

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s recent announcement that New York State was making the largest state investment in renewable energy in U.S. history was a monumental step forward in the state’s effort to meet its climate goals. The announcement called for three offshore wind as well as 22 land-based renewable energy projects..

Completion is the operative word. Some renewable energy projects have faltered, or now face potential non-fulfillment. Just recently, on October 12, the state’s Public Service Commission (PSC) voted to deny price adjustments essential to the feasibility of ongoing large-scale renewable energy construction projects, potentially slowing them down or causing their outright cancellation, because of unexpected economic changes, including rising costs. This can’t happen to the projects within the scope of Gov. Hochul’s recent announcement. Way too much is at stake. We must keep the existing offshore energy projects on track. 

There has been other exciting offshore wind news in recent weeks, including the completed installation of the first offshore wind turbine for South Fork Wind, a historic milestone for New York’s offshore wind development and what will be the first completed utility-scale wind farm in the United States in federal waters. Once completed, the 130-megawatt offshore wind farm will produce enough renewable energy to power approximately 70,000 Long Island homes, eliminating up to six million tons of carbon emissions, or the equivalent of taking 60,000 cars off the road annually over a 25-year period. 

In what is an American first, South Fork Wind’s clean energy will be delivered to the New York grid via the first-ever U.S.-made offshore wind export cable from Nexans, which manufactured the 68-mile subsea cable in its South Carolina facility.

In more big news last week, Gov. Hochul announced the schedule for expedited offshore wind and land-based renewable energy solicitations as part of here 10-Point Action Plan to bolster the state’s growing large-scale renewable industry. The forthcoming RFPs will be released on November 30, 2023, with bids due in January 2024.  

“For New York to transition to a clean energy economy, we can’t just talk about projects, we need to deliver,” said NYLCV President Julie Tighe. “When New York State’s Public Service Commission voted in October to deny price adjustments for large-scale renewable energy projects, putting them at risk, we urged the administration to act quickly to minimize the damage, and [this] announcement is an important step to getting new projects in the pipeline as soon as possible.”

From construction milestones to new bids to a whole lot of misinformation, there’s A LOT going on w/offshore wind. To understand what it all means, join us & Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) for “Why Wind Works,”  a Lunch and Learn on November 30 at noon. Register here.

Our expert panel will include Tighe as well as CCE Executive Director Adrienne Esposito and speakers from BOEM, the NY State Energy Research and Development Authority, and the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation.

There will be an opportunity for Q & A after the presentation.

Plan a Sustainable (And Hopeful) Holiday Season

By Peter Aronson

This year’s story about holiday green shopping tips comes with an extra jolt of spicy, delicious eggnog.

The eggnog jolt (even if you don’t like the real stuff) comes in the form of an essay by Dr. Kate Marvel in The New York Times on November 18, in which she replaced the typical environmental doom and gloom with a strong glimmer of hope.

A climate scientist, she was a lead author on Congress’ recent Fifth National Climate Assessment, the most important U.S. climate report written every four years.

“In the last decade, the cost of wind energy has declined by 70 percent and solar has declined 90 percent. Renewables now make up 80 percent of new electricity generation capacity,” she wrote, saying for once she was seeing positive results. “Our country’s greenhouse gas emissions are falling, even as our G.D.P. and population grow.”

She notes that the world is racing to keep the global temperature increase from pre-industrial levels to no more than a 2 degree Celsius increase. This is needed to avoid an increase in the environmental catastrophes the U.S. and the world already has experienced. 

“… [O]ur findings also offered a glimmer of hope,” she wrote. “If emissions fall dramatically, as the report suggested they could, we may never reach 2 degrees Celsius at all.”

If that happens, she said, the world has a “once-in-human-history chance, not only to prevent the worst effects but to make the world better right now.” 

So with that positive thought in mind, with the realization that there is hope if governments in the U.S. and worldwide take the necessary environmental steps, if businesses and individuals curtail their emissions, if renewables replace oil, gas and coal on a global and permanent scale, and the realization that every little bit helps, let’s set some positive goals for this holiday season.

Let’s all try to reduce our carbon footprint to our smallest level yet, and carry it through into 2024 and beyond.

  1. Instead of buying something new, offer your services as a present. ie, snow shoveling, baby or dog sitting, a home-cooked dinner. Not only will they appreciate you, you don’t come with extra packaging! 
  2. If you have to buy anything, buy only local, sustainable goods.
  3. Or buy gently used items at your local, second-hand store.
  4. For your holiday dinner, buy only local food.
  5. Make a gift out of unwanted things you find in your house. 
  6. Only buy what you truly need. Skip the wrapping paper. Use old magazines, newspapers, or nothing at all. And do you really need to buy a new outfit for the holiday party?

This list could go on and on. The key thing is to think before you shop. Think where it’s coming from and what it took to make it. Think about the carbon footprint created to bring that item to your doorstep. The more we all collectively think about that question, the greater chance we have of realizing Dr. Marvel’s optimism.

The transportation sector is a huge emitter of greenhouse gasses. In New York state, it is number two, accounting for almost 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. The less we rely on anything that needs to be shipped into the state, the less greenhouse gas emissions there will be. 

Here are some additional holiday shopping tips offered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and from the New York League of Conservation Voters in 2022.  

We hope these suggestions help. We wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and wonderfully sustainable and carbon-free holiday season!

Early Voting is Underway: Read Our Voter Guide

 By Peter Aronson

Election season is upon us and Our Vote is Our Power! Early voting for the general election begins on Saturday, October 28, and runs through Sunday, November 5, with Election Day on Tuesday, November 7. 

In the fight against climate change, every election is crucial. 

Crucial because every government official elected has the ability to promote, push and pass green legislation.

Crucial because the more green legislation that becomes law, the greater chance we have of meeting all our climate goals by eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and increasing all sources of renewable energy. 

Join the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund and pledge to vote early in the general election!

Even though in some quarters this is considered an off year – we are not electing a president, any members of Congress or a NYC mayor – we are still electing many important government officials, including mayors and county legislators across the state as well as the entire New York City Council. 

The key election dates for New York State are: 

Early Voting: Saturday, October 28, 2023 – Sunday, November 5, 2023

Election Day: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Key dates for absentee ballots:

Last day to apply in person for general election ballot: November 6, 2023

Last day to postmark general election ballot: November 7, 2023 (Must be received by the county board no later than Nov 14)

Last day to deliver general election ballot in person to your county board or your poll site: by close of polls on election day, November 7

I want to vote but where is my polling location?

Sometimes polling locations can change from cycle-to-cycle, so it’s good to have that information in hand before heading out the door. For information about where to vote, use this handy tool from the Board of Elections. Just enter your address and they’ll provide your polling site! 

Visit the New York State Board of Elections home page for more details about every aspect of 2023 voting, including comprehensive information about absentee voting, military and overseas voting, as well as information about voting machines and the latest redistricting map. 

For additional info about the New York City election, in particular, this article in City & State NY highlights the City Council elections to watch. 

Our sister organization, the New York League of Conservation Voters, has made 131 endorsements in the 2023 election cycle, the most in an off-year election in its 34-year history and an indication that the environment continues to grow in importance for voters. Of the 48 candidates from the first round of endorsements, 95% of them won their primary election.

State Launches Review of Open Space Conservation Plan

By Peter Aronson

New York State has announced that it is commencing its periodic Open Space Conservation Plan review. This comes at a crucial time with the climate crisis becoming increasingly urgent and the state vowing to protect 30 percent of its land and water by 2030.

“Land conservation is an essential tool in New York State’s comprehensive actions to address climate change and protect our natural resources,” said New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos. “As work begins to revise the New York State Open Space Plan, DEC and our State and local partners will look to both preserve our lands and waters for future generations while ensuring priorities and projects help to advance New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and align with the State’s efforts to conserve 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030.”

On September 13, the DEC and the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation announced the start of its open space plan review. Under the law, the state must review its plan every three years, relying on recommendations from nine Regional Advisory Committees (RACs). The RACs will recommend land acquisition priorities within their respective regions. The entire process is expected to take two years, with a public comment period expected in summer 2024 and a final plan in 2025.

Since 1992, the Open Space Conservation Plan has served as the blueprint to guide land purchases and conservation efforts by the state. The DEC website lists the state’s land purchases project by project, year by year. In 2022, the state spent more than $20 million in purchasing 5,057 acres in 44 separate transactions. The purchases ranged from 17.49 acres in the Adirondacks Forest Preserve for $500,00 to 925.68 acres in Hudson Highlands, in Putnam County, for almost $7.8 million. In 2021, the state spent more than $33 million in purchasing 16,997 acres. 

 “Open space is simply land or water that is undeveloped” – free from residential, commercial, industrial or institutional use, the DEC website explains. 

During the review process, staff from the DEC and the state Parks Department will collaborate with other state agencies, including the Department of Agriculture and Markets, Department of State and Department of Transportation to make sure the conservation plan protects water and air quality, ensures environmental justice, and, of course, addresses climate change.

The plan will address crucial issues such as farmland protection, coastal land conservation and the connection of transportation to land use, the DEC press release states. 

Much of the funding for future land purchases will come from the $4.2 billion Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act passed by voters in November 2022. Specifically, the bond act authorizes $650 million for open space land conservation and recreation.

The review of the state’s Open Space Conservation Plan comes at a crucial time. The world just experienced its hottest summer in recorded history, dating to 1880, and recent droughts, floods and forest fires caused by global warming have caused death and destruction around the world. 

On December 23, 2022, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed an NYLCV Scorecard bill that established the state’s goal of conserving 30 percent of its land and water by 2030, in keeping with the U.S. goal. At that time, according to a detailed article in The Adirondack Almanack, the state had preserved 19 percent of its land as open space and that the review plan had provided a “well tested strategy and framework” for conserving land, putting New York ahead of many other states. 

“The last few years have dramatically underscored the need for open spaces and parkland to help moderate the negative impacts of climate change and provide people with places to get outside and escape the daily stress of life,” State Parks Commissioner Erik Kulleseid said. “We look forward to hearing from the public as we renew this statewide open space plan – and build on New York State’s outstanding legacy of land conservation and broad access to outdoor recreation.”

Green Tips : Fall Yard Stewardship

Maintaining a lawn or garden can be a fun and rewarding activity. However, landowners and landscapers know all too well that autumn brings additional tasks for up-keeping outdoor spaces. With falling leaves and dropping temperaturesand with an increasing array of composting resourceswe want to make sure that you’re equipped with sustainable yard care tips.

Handling Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves may add a wonderful fall aesthetic to your land, but can be quite a nuisance if you prefer not to leave them. Below are some tips for removing and using your leaves.

Applying Fertilizer

Fertilizer provides a great boost of nutrients for plants in need. Whether synthetic or natural, it’s important to apply fertilizer in a way that reduces the chance of run-off. Nutrients that run-off can seep into groundwater and make their way into surface water bodies. The build up of nutrients in lakes, ponds, and estuaries can lead to eutrophication that often cause environmental harm and fish kills. Before applying fertilizer ahead of the cold winter season, there are a few things to know!

  • Plants and grasses cannot uptake fertilizer if the soil is below 55°F. Check the regional soil temperature before applying! Unabsorbed fertilizer is at risk to run off.
  • As per New York State law, only use fertilizer that contains zero percent phosphorus. 
  • Avoid applying fertilizer within twenty feet of any body of water. 
  • Keep fertilizer off impervious surfaces, such as sidewalks and driveways. If fertilizer spills onto any of these surfaces, clean it up without washing it away, as doing so can encourage runoff. 

Additional Tips

  • Water your lawn with a soaker hose or watering can to avoid overwatering.
  • Increase the height of your lawnmower blades to three inches. Taller lawns do not need as much water.

We hope you find this week’s Green Tips helpful, and are enjoying the fall season so far!

Mandatory Curbside Composting Coming to Brooklyn!

New York City’s curbside composting program is coming to all five boroughs before the end of 2024, and the next stop is Brooklyn, with collections beginning on Monday, October 2. 

Under the leadership of Mayor Adams, curbside composting began as a pilot program in Queens, and in just three months it prevented a staggering 12.7 million pounds of yard and food waste from reaching landfills. In January, the mayor announced that the program would expand citywide. 

To be as effective as possible, however, it could not be a voluntary measure. Then, thanks to the leadership in the City Council, the Zero Waste Act was passed this summer. This legislative package included Local Law 85, sponsored by Council Member Shahana Hanif, making curbside composting mandatory as it rolls out across the city over the next year.

Yard waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper constitute a staggering 34% of all residential waste in New York City and reducing waste sent to landfills is a vital part of New York City’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. 

When organic waste ends up in landfills, it decomposes and produces methane gas, a greenhouse gas more than 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. This gas further pollutes the air in low-income communities and communities of color, where landfills have historically been situated due to environmental racism.

But the benefits of composting go beyond waste reduction. It also enriches soil quality, enhances water retention, and creates opportunities for parks, green spaces, urban greening, and job growth in composting and urban greening.

What items are eligible for composting? The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) will pick up all leaf and yard waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper. That includes meat, bones, dairy, prepared foods, and even greasy uncoated paper plates and pizza boxes.

(Do not compost diapers, personal hygiene products, animal waste, wrappers, non-paper packaging, and foam products. And don’t compost otherwise recyclable materials.) 

How do you compost? It’s pretty straightforward. Food scraps and food-soiled paper can be placed in any compost-labeled bin (55 gallons or less) with a secure lid or in your DSNY brown bin. Leaf and yard waste separation will also be mandatory, starting in Brooklyn in October.

You can order bins, decals, tip sheets, and building signage here.

The program will extend to the Bronx and Staten Island on March 25, 2024, and to Manhattan on October 7, 2024.

The city has allocated over $23 million to the program. This includes funding for bin deliveries, outreach, communications, and the hiring of new staff to facilitate collection operations.

For those who live in areas still awaiting curbside composting pickup, the city has organized dozens of food-scrap drop-off points throughout the five boroughs. A map of the locations can be found here. 

For those in Upper Manhattan, you can also use the Smart Compost bins that are placed on street corners. The orange metal containers, located in Morningside Heights, Central Harlem, East Harlem, West Harlem, Washington Heights and Inwood, have a scanning link on the front and invite you to download the NYC Compost App with your phone in order to open the bins to dispose of waste.

Mandatory composting has been a long time priority for the League and we applaud Mayor Adams, the City Council, and DSNY Commissioner Tisch for making it a reality. And of course, we salute those who do the real heavy lifting every day of the week, our dedicated sanitation workers—New York’s Strongest.

Additional resources:

NYLCVEF hosted a Lunch and Learn webinar, which can be viewed here.

DSNY will be hosting information sessions on the following dates and times, just follow the links to register:

Other zero waste measures passed by the City Council:

  1. Local Law 86 of 2023, sponsored by Council Member Sandy Nurse, codifies the goal of zero waste by 2030, holding the city accountable and requiring regular reports on progress.

  2. Local Law 87 of 2023, also sponsored by Council Member Nurse, ensures transparency by mandating regular reports on efforts to meet zero waste goals and develop a comprehensive plan.

  3. Local Law 88 of 2023, sponsored by Council Member Keith Powers, brings recycling closer to communities by creating community recycling centers across boroughs.

  4. Local Law 89 of 2023, also sponsored by Council Member Powers, establishes organic waste drop-off sites throughout the city.

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