The New York league of Conservation Voters Education Fund Green Leadership Circle was created to honor and recognize our most committed supporters.
Green Leadership Circle members are dedicated supporters whose annual gift of $1,000 or more ensures the success of our efforts to fight climate change, conserve land and water, and protect public health.
Membership Levels:
Advocate: $1,000 – $2,499
Advocates are recognized in our print newsletter and on our website, are invited to quarterly conference call briefings on key environmental legislation, program activities, and NYLCVEF campaigns with special guests and senior NYLCVEF staff. Advocates also receive hard copies of all reports and policy agendas, priority seating at Policy Forum Series events and admission to small cultivation events throughout the year as well as our Eco Partner Breakfasts, which bring together public and private industry leaders for roundtable discussions about environmental challenges facing New York.
Champion: $2,500 – $5,000
Champions receive all advocate level benefits plus complimentary invitations to our Annual Meeting Cocktail Party, two tickets to our annual Spring Gala, and access to NYLCVEF staff for one-on-one briefings.
Become a member of the green leadership circle by donating to NYLCVEF here, or by or contacting Marla at