Green Tips

We provide you with a weekly “Green Tip” so that you can make sustainable lifestyle choices. In the fight against climate change, every little effort can help to reduce carbon emissions and protect our planet.

With Plastic Free July almost here, it’s a great opportunity for everyone to take the pledge and establish plastic-free habits that will last a lifetime.

The term spring cleaning should take on new meaning as we all strive to make our homes and communities more environmentally sustainable. We’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help you get started.

The world seems to be talking about sustainability. If you Google “Sustainable habits for the new year 2023,” you’ll get more hits than you can possibly read, and more suggestions than you can possibly follow. So we did the work for you.

by Peter Aronson There are several ways to think about composting your food scraps. One way is to realize that by doing so, you are actually – honestly, truly – reducing your carbon footprint and helping fight climate change.  Another angle is that it’s a fun family project that can include the kids and also…

With the first snows of the season already here, it’s time to talk about eco-friendly snow removal. The most environmentally-sound way to clear snow is to do it the old fashioned way: grab a shovel (or a broom or an ice pick) and get to work.

The period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day is full of holiday cheer, but it also marks the time when we generate the most waste: 25% more than during any other time of the year. Unsurprisingly, much of this waste comes from gift wrapping. With just a little extra thought, you can help make a huge impact in reducing waste. Check out this week’s Green Tips to learn how to gift wrap the eco way!

Shipping goods via truck, plane, train and ship is a significant contributor to carbon pollution. This is why it’s imperative to shop locally, including locally grown and harvested food.

In keeping with the holiday spirit, we are offering tips on how best to shop for family and friends, while also giving back to the environment. A good way to do this, as we move collectively towards a more sustainable and equitable future, is to consider the carbon footprint of whatever you are thinking of buying.

Halloween is right around the corner, and as you decide how you would like to celebrate, we wanted to remind you not to forget about the environment! Check out our tips below for easy, cheap, and fun ways to lower your eco footprint this spooky season! 

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