Andy Sabin
Board Member

Andy Sabin is actively engaged with community and environmental programs around the world. He spearheaded the building of the YMCA East Hampton RECenter in East Hampton, NY. As one of America’s most ardent, dedicated, pro-active environmentalists — whose passion is to preserve our air, water, flora and fauna – he founded the South Fork Natural History Museum in Bridgehampton, NY and he continues to lead nature walks for the institution.
Due to his global environmental effort, there are two frogs named after him, Centrolene sabini (aka Sabin Glass Frog) and Aphantophryne sabini, one pigmy chameleon Rhampholean sabinii and a dwarf lemur Cheirogaleus andysabini, Andy is an Associate at the Museum of Natural History in New York, and a major sponsor of the reptile exhibit at the Bronx Zoo. Mr. Sabin has served for several years on the environmental law advisory boards at Columbia Law School and UCLA School of Law. Mr. Sabin is also proud to be a member of the board of visitors of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas since 2005. In 2008, seeking to make his philanthropy more impactful, Andy established the Andrew Sabin Family Foundation (ASFF). This foundation makes more than 200 grants each year focusing on the environment, preservation of amphibian and reptile species and their habitat as well as making a major effort in funding cancer research at MD Anderson and genetic research at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
His ASFF funded the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University and supports the Emmet Center in Climate Change at UCLA School of Law. The Foundation makes a $25,000 Sabin Sustainable Venture Prize annually at the Yale Center for Business and Environment for the most promising sustainability-related start up. ASFF also makes a significant number of scholarship awards at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Science to international graduate students with the intent that they will continue their work back in their home countries.
Andy’s passions are his family, the environment, bicycling and fishing.
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