Getting to 80 x 50 in NYC: Energy
07/27/2017 at 1:30pm
NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service: 295 Lafayette Street, Second Floor, Puck Building, New York, NY 10012
New York City’s “Roadmap to 80 x 50” envisions a future in which New York City’s energy supply will rely increasingly on the large-scale transmission of renewable energy from outside of New York City, with a supporting role for natural gas and local distributed energy resources (DERs).
That future will also be shaped by an array of emerging and developing technologies. In both cases, the City is not fully in control and must respond to energy markets and other outside forces.
Join the NYLCV Education Fund on July 27th for a morning of discussions on these important topics as we work to chart the course to achieving the City’s 80 x 50 goal.
Panel Information:
Panel 1:
Renewable energy sources are great, but how do we get that energy to the City? What technological and other challenges does the City face in achieving the energy goals in the 80 x 50 plan?
Panel 2:
How do we generate enough renewable energy to achieve these goals? Do we simply need to scale up wind and solar, or will we need to focus on emerging technologies?
Website by Trillion.
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