Green Tips: Ways to Celebrate Earth Day At Home
Green Tips | April 16, 2020
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The first Earth Day took place in 1970 and propelled a wave of action that led to the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts, as well as the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Since then, Earth Day continues to be celebrated internationally each year. In 2016, the United Nations chose Earth Day as the backdrop for the signing of the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. While we have made some progress on our environmental priorities, much more work remains.
This Earth Day will be different than any year previously due to the stay-at-home orders in place across the country. However, there are still many ways to celebrate Earth Day from home this year. Check out our tips for celebrating earth day in quarantine:
- Paper towels are in high demand these days. While you may be using paper towels to clean and disinfect surfaces, try using cotton towels or napkins for other tasks. This will not only conserve and stretch your supply, it will save you money and limit the amount of waste you generate.
- Turn the water off when not in use. Whether you’re brushing your teeth or washing your dishes, turn it off in between uses.
- Another way to conserve is to only do your laundry when you have a full load. This will save money, energy, and water.
- Many of us are working from home. Because of this you may notice an increase in your utility bill. Conserve energy and money during quarantine by unplugging electronics when you’re not using them; shutting lights off when you aren’t in the room; and taking advantage of more daylight by opening the curtains and using natural light instead of your electricity.
Plant an indoor or outdoor garden:
- If you do not have a yard or access to outdoor space, try bringing the outdoors to you by planting an indoor garden. Indoor gardens come in many types and sizes. Get started here.
- If you do have a yard, consider planting a garden this year. There are many different types that require different work and attention. Help out the pollinators by planting a pollinator garden. You can also do your part to reduce stormwater runoff by planting a rain garden. Or grow your own veggies by starting a vegetable garden.
Finally get good at recycling:
This Earth Day hone your recycling skills by following these simple tips:
- Don’t put plastic bags in the recycling bin. If you use bags to collect your bottles and cans, make sure to take them out of the bag before putting them in the bin.
- Yes, you have to rinse it out. Only put clean and dry containers in the recycling bin. Dirty containers can contaminate recyclable materials.
- Educate yourself. If you don’t know whether something can be recycled, look it up. Don’t “wishcycle.” Check this out for more tips on recycling right.
Raise Awareness:
- While social distancing, many of us are spending more time on the internet and on social media. These can be great ways to get involved with environmental causes. Stay connected with others who care about the environment by participating in a virtual Earth Day activity. Check out what’s happening this year here.
- Share environmentally-themed movies, books, or podcasts with your friends and family.
- If you can, celebrate Earth Day by supporting organizations that are committed year-round to protecting the environment and fighting climate change. NYLCV Education Fund is able to keep New Yorkers engaged and informed because of generous support from our members. Consider donating on Earth Day to support this work.
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