Green Tips: Father’s Day
Green Tips | June 7, 2019
Each year, Father’s Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate our dads and honor everything they do for us. This year, join us in celebrating fathers while showing the planet we all share some love. From gifts to activities, check out some of our tips for celebrating a green Father’s Day in 2019:
Eat local: On average, fruits and vegetables in the U.S. travel an astounding 1,500 miles before being sold. This Father’s Day give your dad the gift of food that is grown closer to home. If you’re taking him out for dinner, try visiting a sustainable local restaurant. If you’re making him a home cooked meal, source your ingredients from a farmers’ market or organic grocery store. Not only is local food more nutritious and eco-friendly, but it is more flavorful and will help make your dad’s day as delicious as possible!
Reusable gifts: Looking for a last-minute gift for dad? Consider giving him something that will make his life easier while also benefiting the environment. Gifts like travel mugs, reusable water bottles, and bamboo utensil packs are some of our favorite everyday items that can help reduce plastic waste and save money. You can even get customized items that match his personality and style.
Take dad on a hike: There is no better gift than the great outdoors, especially in New York, where we enjoy some of the most beautiful and plentiful hiking spots in the country. Kick off the summer with your dad by visiting a local hiking trail or park and enjoy some bonding time as well as an opportunity to get outside and explore.
Homemade gift giving: According to the EPA, household waste increases by 25% during holidays. By opting for a homemade gift this Father’s Day, you can give your dad a thoughtful and unique gift while reducing waste and saving money in the process. Check out this list for some DIY gift ideas for dad.
Skip the gift wrap: Most gift wrap contains large volumes of plastics and foils; typical wrapping paper can take decades to decompose and releases toxic chemicals when burned due to high plastic and dye concentrations. This year, celebrate both dad and the environment by recycling paper you already have or by wrapping items in reusable bags or cloth, which can be gifts themselves.
Explore some more creative gift wrap ideas here.
Bring the outside in: Give dad the gift that keeps on giving this year by buying him a plant to keep in his home or office. Plants like the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue will add a splash of green to his life, while filtering the air and reducing humidity. You can even help him start his own herb garden to enhance his meals and health.
Looking to go a bit bigger? Consider planting a tree in his honor through organizations like the National Forest Foundation and American Forests.
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