Green Tip: Switch to Clean Energy
Green Tips | August 22, 2017
Most people think that switching to renewable energy is a costly and time-intensive endeavor. However, what many New Yorkers don’t know is that a variety of utility companies across the state offer the option to source your electricity from renewable energy sources in exchange for a slightly higher price.
If you live in New York City, ConEdison offers a 12-month fixed rate that allows you to pay a consistent rate regardless of grid fluctuations and ensures that 100% of your energy is matched by wind and solar power. Their website lets you see the various options for sourcing your electricity and compare rates for your specific home. Although renewable energy comes at a cost, switching through your utility company may be a viable opportunity for promoting clean energy if you don’t have the opportunity to install solar panels on your roof.
It can be confusing to tell how to do this on your utilities’ website, but there are energy supplier companies like CleanChoice Energy that work with your utility to help you connect to clean energy. They estimate that for every house they help switch to renewable energy they reduce 18,876 lbs of carbon pollution per year. However, the best option altogether may be to pick up the phone and call your utilities to see if you can make the switch.
Overall, if you want to source your electricity from renewable energy and don’t have the opportunity or resources to install solar panels on your house, you may be able to switch your electricity to renewables through your utility company or through an energy supplier. Although it is currently more expensive to do this, the carbon reduction impact is immense and over time it may become cheaper as the cost of solar and wind continues to drop.
By: Korinna Garfield
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