2021 NYC Environmental Candidate School Wrap-Up

February 26, 2021

Thank you to all of the candidates and campaign staff who joined the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund over the past few weeks for our 2021 NYC Environmental Candidate Schools.  These discussions were designed to educate and inform campaigns for City Council, Borough President, Comptrollers, and Mayor on key environmental and public health issues facing our city.  Below you will find links to recordings, contact information for our panelists, and the presentations from each panel.

Waste Management and Building Emissions

Recording Link

Presentation Link


Infrastructure: Transportation + Wastewater and Green Infrastructure

Recording Link

Presentation Link


Public Health & Parks: Lead Poisoning + Parks and Open Spaces

Recording Link

Presentation Link


Resiliency: Heat Vulnerability and Coastal Resiliency

Recording Link

Presentation Link


Additional Resources

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