West Bronx Mayoral Forum a Success

Following our successful citywide Mayoral Forum on Sustainability, the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund this week partnered with The Riverdale Press and the Riverdale YM-YWHA to host the West Bronx Green Mayoral Candidate Political Education Forum in Riverdale.

Over 100 people attended Monday night’s forum, which was moderated by NYLCVEF President  Marcia Bystryn and included panelists Eric Goldstein, Yael Levy and Barry Willner.

Mayoral candidates Christine Quinn, Sal Albanese, John Liu and Adolfo Carrion fielded questions about a wide range of environmental issues, including open space, energy, waterfront access and the Hudson River Greenway.

On May 21st, NYLCVEF will participate in a West Bronx City Council Candidate Forum, where we’ll cover sustainability issues affecting the West Bronx with City Council candidates.

Thanks to everyone who attended the West Bronx Green Mayoral Forum, and thanks to our sponsors:

Christ Church

Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale

Friends of the Hudson River Greenway in the Bronx

Friends of Van Cortlandt Park

Hebrew Institute of Riverdale

Kingsbridge-Riverdale-Van Cortlandt Devel. Corp.

The NRDC Action Fund

North Riverdale Merchants Association

Open Space Institute

Riverdale Community Coalition

Riverdale Jewish Center

Riverdale Jewish Community

Relations Council

Riverdale Nature Preservancy

Riverdale Presbyterian Church

Riverdale Temple

Young Israel Ohab Zedek

Who Is the Greenest of Them All?

New York State officials applauded the 2012 legislative session as one of the most productive in history. But what got done for the environment?

NYLCVEF and our environmental partner organizations joined together to answer that question at a panel discussion held in New York City. Called “Who is the Greenest of them All?” the discussion updated New Yorkers on several key legislative initiatives affecting their air, water and health.

One of the biggest environmental successes of the year was the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law, which requires sewage treatment plant operators to notify the public whenever a release of untreated sewage occurs. Gov. Cuomo signed this law into effect during the summer.

Lawmakers also approved additional environmental funding that will help municipal parks, recycling and land conservation efforts.

But several other initiatives didn’t make it through Albany’s political process. Among them were the Solar Jobs Act, closing a loophole on hydrofracking wastewater and protecting children’s health from toxic chemicals.

Dozens turned out to participate in the briefing, which took place in New York City. NYLCVEF would like to thank our partner organizations — Environmental Advocates of New York, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, Environment New York and the Energy and Climate Center at Pace Law School — for organizing this great event!

Mayoral Forum on Sustainability – A Great Success!

The 2013 Mayoral Forum on Sustainability — held on Earth Day, April 22 — was a smashing success!

More than 800 people packed into Cooper Union’s Great Hall to hear the mayoral candidates talk about their positions on sustainable transportation, solid waste, clean energy and much more. We were particularly proud that all of the major candidates joined us for the forum — underscoring the growing political clout of the sustainability community.

The forum had great write-ups in the New York Times, Atlantic Cities and Gotham Gazette. Click here to check out our post-forum interview on WNYC’s The Brian Lehrer Show.

The Mayoral Forum on Sustainability was only the beginning – we need to continue the effort to ensure that New York City remains committed to sustainability through the next administration and beyond.

What Is an Urban Park, Anyway?

Some of the most pressing questions regarding urban parks address how our urban environments can incorporate nature and how these parks can promote community. NYLCVEF’s symposium “What is an Urban Park, Anyway?” cohosted with the Yonkers Committee for Smart Development and Groundwork Hudson Valley looked to address these questions and more . This public symposium featured six speakers–Meg Walker, Vice President, Project for Public Spaces; Rick Madger, Executive Director, Groundwork Hudson Valley; Yvette Hartsfield, Yonkers Parks Commissioner; Rose Harvey, the New York State Parks Commissioner; Christopher Rizzo, Board member of Friends of Van Cortlandt Park and New Yorkers for Park; and Dart Westphal, board member of Friends of Van Cortlandt Park; who sat for a Q&A panel session in the second half of the event. NYLCVEF President Marcia Bystryn moderated the panel.

In their presentations, the speakers addressed several topics including:

  • Questions of balancing active and passive parkland spaces
  • Means of coexistence with wildlife
  • The role of the community in neighborhood parks
  • Ensuring that parks are accessible to all
  • Creative methods of funding city parks, including the role of private/public partnerships and non-profit managers such as conservancies  

Rose Harvey and others highlighted the new Saw Mill River Daylighting Park, and many spoke to the success of The High Line as a model for future park creation.

The audience of over 50 community members asked thoughtful questions that addressed local issues such as – How do we enjoy the waterfront if it’s covered in old industry? How do we prevent property prices around parks from skyrocketing? How often does the Parks Department mow?

So what IS an urban park, anyway? The symposium started with an image of Central Park, often thought of as the “ideal” urban park, but as the audience learned about parks throughout Westchester, New York City, and even Detroit, it was emphasized that parks are open spaces for community gathering-they can be “natural” as many of the parks in Westchester are, or be created around abandoned rail lines and covered up rivers, infrastructure like the Old Croton Aqueduct. Perhaps the most important key to Urban Parks is community involvement, which Yonkers residents showed through their attendance and engaging questions.

Thanks again to our co-hosts, Groundwork Hudson Valley and the Yonkers Committee for Smart Development, as well as to our panelists, for making a great event.

Great Turnout For Environmental Candidate Forum

Hudson Valley residents turned out in force for the NYLCV Education Fund’s 18th Congressional District candidate forum on October 9, 2012.

Well over a hundred citizens crowded into Bedford Historic Hall to meet U.S. Rep. Nan Hayworth and Sean Patrick Maloney, who are running for the congressional seat that encompasses all or parts of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Westchester counties.

You can check out our online photo gallery here.

The pair laid out their environmental platforms, and took questions from a seasoned panel of environmental experts that included Paul Gallay of Riverkeeper, Andy Bicking of Scenic Hudson and NYLCVEF President Marcia Bystryn.

Hayworth and Maloney also took questions from the audience as well as from an online forum hosted by Bedford-Katonah Patch, which served as the media sponsor for the event.

You can check out some of the press coverage of the forum in Patch.com, the Yorktown Daily Voice and the MidHudson News Network.

The Woodard & Curran Foundation generously underwrote this educational forum as our lead sponsor. Tom Francoeur, President of the foundation, helped kick off the program with introductory remarks.

As a nonprofit, nonpartisan and educational organization, the NYLCV Education Fund does not make endorsements in political races. Our goal with the forum was to educate Hudson Valley residents about environmental issues and elevate the public dialogue around sustainability.

Thanks to the candidates, our sponsors and partner organizations, we were able to do just that! Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make this event possible.

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